Acquire('Plug-in Name') FileMenu Runs a Photoshop compatible acquisition plug-in. The plug-in is assumed to be in the same folder as Image, or use a full path name such as 'HD400:Plug-ins:LaCie Silver Scanner'.
Add PasteControl Paste; Add; or Paste; SetOption; Add;
AddConstant(n) EnhanceMenu -255 <= n <= 255
AddSlice StacksMenu Adds a slice following the current slice
AdjustAreas(b) AnalyzeMenu
AllSameSize MacroFunc Returns true if all open images have the same dimensions
AnalyzeParticles AnalyzeMenu
AND Operator
ApplyLUT EnhanceMenu Transforms the pixel data using the current look-up table
arctan(n) MathFunc Returns arctangent of n
AutoThreshold OptionsMenu Set threshold to automatically determined value
AverageFrames(‘str’,frames) SpecialMenu ‘str’ is some combination of 'Average', 'Integrate' and 'Video Rate Capture' and frames is the number of frames. Default values are used if the arguments are omitted.
AverageSlices StacksMenu Averages all the slices in the current stack
Beep MacroProc
BEGIN Key Word
BitAnd(n1,n2) MacroFunc Returns n1 AND n2
BitOr(n1,n2) MacroFunc Returns n1 OR n2
BlueLUT array[0..255]
Button MacroFunc True if mouse button down
Calibrated MacroFunc True if current image is density calibrated
Capture SpecialMenu Captures and displays a single video frame
Capture Color StacksMenu Capures a 24-bit RGB color image
ChangeValues(v1,v2,v3) EnhanceMenu Changes pixels with a value in the range v1-v2 to a value of v3
ChangeValues(v1,v2,v3) MacroProc Changes pixels with a value in the range v1-v2 to a value of v3
ChoosePic(n) MacroProc Selects Nth image window without activating it. Faster than SelectPic but changes are not displayed.
ChooseSlice(n) MacroProc Selects Nth slice in a stack without displaying it. Faster than SelectSlice but changes are not displayed. Use SelectSlice before exiting the macro to make sure the stack is correctly displayed.
Clear EditMenu Erases current ROI to background color
Close FileMenu Closes the active image window
Convolve('Kernel file name') EnhanceMenu Note that the name can be a directory path such as 'HD80:Image:Kernels:Smooth'
Copy EditMenu Copies contents of current ROI to Clipboard
CopyResults EditMenu Copies measurement results to the Clipboard
cos(n) MathFunc Returns cosine of n (radians)
cValue(PixelValue) MacroFunc Converts raw pixel values(0-255) to density calibrated values
DeleteSlice StacksMenu Deletes the current slice
Dilate EnhanceMenu
Dispose FileMenu Similar to Close, but user is never prompted to save changes
DisposeAll FileMenu
Dither EnhanceMenu
DIV Operator
Divide PasteControl Paste; Divide; or Paste; SetOption; Divide;
DO Key Word
DoAnd PasteControl Paste; DoAnd; or Paste; SetOption; DoAnd;
DoBlend PasteControl Paste; DoBlend; or Paste; SetOption; DoBlend;
DoCopy PasteControl Paste; DoCopy; or Paste; SetOption; DoCopy;
DoOr PasteControl Paste; DoOr; or Paste; SetOption; DoOr;
DoReplace PasteControl Paste; DoReplace; or Paste; SetOption; DoReplace;
DoXor PasteControl Paste; DoXor; or Paste; SetOption; DoXor;
DrawBoundary EditMenu Outlines current ROI using foreground color. Use SetLineWidth to control width of outline.
DrawNumber(n) MacroProc Displays n at the current location(set with MoveTo)
DrawScale EditMenu
DrawText('text') MacroProc Displays text at the current location
Duplicate Accepts Multiple Arugments zero Fill
Duplicate('Window Title') FileMenu
ELSE Key Word
END Key Word
EnhanceContrast EnhanceMenu
Erode EnhanceMenu
Exit MacroProc Terminate execution of the macro
exp(n) MathFunc Returns exponential of n
Export Accepts Multiple Arugments zero Fill
Export('name') FileMenu Use SetExport to specify what to export
Fill EditMenu Fills current ROI with foreground color
FlipHorizontal EditMenu
FlipVertical EditMenu
FOR Key Word
GetColumn(x,y,length) MacroProc Copies a column of pixels from active image to the line buffer
GetInfo FileMenu
GetLine(x1,y1,x2,y2,LineWidth) MacroProc Returns coordinates and width of current straight line selection. Sets x1=-1 if there is no line selection.
GetMouse(x,y) MacroProc Returns location of cursor in local pixel coordinates
GetNumber('Prompt',default) MacroFunc Displays a dialog box and returns with number entered
GetPicSize(width,height) MacroProc Returns width and height of active image
GetPixel(x,y) MacroFunc Returns the pixel value at (x,y)
GetResults(n,mean,mode,min,max) AnalyzeMenu Use after Measure. Values returned are always uncalibrated. Use cValue function to calibrate them.
GetRoi(left,top,width,height) MacroProc Returns ROI location and size. Sets width=0 if no ROI.
GetRow(x,y,length) MacroProc Copies a row of pixels from the active image to the line buffer
GetSliceSpacing MacroFunc Returns slice spacing(in pixels) of current stack
GetThresholds(lower,upper) OptionsMenu In density slicing mode, returns the lower and upper thresholds. In thresholding mode, lower is set to the threshold and upper is set to 255. Otherwise, both are set to zero
InsetRoi(delta) MacroProc Shrinks or expands(if delta<0) ROI by delta
Invert EditMenu Linearly inverts image or ROI
InvertLUT OptionsMenu Inverts video look-up table
InvertY(b) OptionsMenu Invert Y-coordinates if b is true
KillRoi MacroProc Disables the current “marching ants” selection
LabelParticles(b) AnalyzeMenu b=true or false
LineBuffer array[0..4095]
LineTo(x,y) MacroProc Draws a line from current location to (x,y)
ln(n) MathFunc Returns natural logarithm of n
MACRO Key Word
MakeBinary EnhanceMenu
MakeLineRoi(x1,y1,x2,y2) MacroProc Origin(0,0) is at upper left. Coordinates can be real numbers.
MakeNewStack Accepts Multiple Arugments zero Fill
MakeNewStack('name') MacroProc Creates a new 1-slice stack. Use SetNewSize to specify size.
MakeNewWindow Accepts Multiple Arugments zero Fill
MakeNewWindow('Name') FileMenu Use SetNewSize to specify the size of the new window
MakeOvalRoi(left,top,width,height) MacroProc
MakeRoi(left,top,width,height) MacroProc Origin(0,0) is at upper left
MarkSelection AnalyzeMenu Same as the Label SelectionMenu command
Measure AnalyzeMenu
MOD Operator
MoveRoi(dx,dy) MacroProc Moves ROI right dx pixels and down dy pixels
MoveTo(x,y) MacroProc Origin is always at upper left corner
MoveWindow(x,y) MacroProc Moves current window to global screen coordinates (x,y)
Multiply PasteControl Paste; Multiply; or Paste; SetOption; Multiply;
MultiplyByConstant(n) EnhanceMenu 0.0 <= n <= 255.0
n:=ord(str) StringFunc Returns the ordinal number of the first character in a string(e.g. ord('A')=65). Returns -1 if the string is empty.
n:=StringToNum(str) StringFunc Converts a string to a real number. Returns zero if the string contains no digits.
nCoordinates MacroFunc Returns the number of coordinates for the current selection
NewTextWindow('Name') FileMenu Creates a new text window with the title 'Name'
NextWindow WindowsMenu
NOT Operator
nPics MacroFunc Returns number of image windows
nSlices MacroFunc Returns number of slices in current stack
odd(n) MathFunc True if integer n odd
Open Accepts Multiple Arugments zero Fill
Open('File Name') FileMenu
OpenSerial('Options') StringFunc Sets up the modem port for serial I/O. 'Options' contains '300 baud', '1200 baud', '2400 baud', '9600 baud' or '19200 baud'; 'no parity', 'even parity' or 'odd parity'; 'seven data' or 'eight data'; 'One stop' or 'two stop'. The default is 9600 baud, no parity, eight data, one stop'.
OR Operator
Outline EnhanceMenu
OutlineParticles(b) AnalyzeMenu
Paste EditMenu Pastes into current ROI if Clipboard object and ROI have the same dimensions, otherwise, pastes into center of image.
PhotoMode(b) SpecialMenu Set b true to enable “Photo Mode” and false to disable it
PicNumber MacroFunc Returns number(used by SelectPic) of active window
PlotProfile AnalyzeMenu Replaces Column Average Plot
PlotXYZ MacroProc Plots XYZ coordinate data stored in a text file
Print FileMenu Prints the active image
PropagateDensity OptionsMenu Propagates current density calibration to all other open images
PropagateLUT OptionsMenu Propagates current LUT to all other open images
PropagateSpatial OptionsMenu Propagates current spatial calibration to all other open images
PutColumn(x,y,length) MacroProc Copies length pixels from line buffer to a column in image
PutMessage Accepts Multiple Arugments Blank Fill
PutMessage('message') MacroProc Displays 'message' in a dialog box. Accepts multiple arguments like the Write routine.
PutPixel(x,y,value) MacroProc Displays value at location (x,y)
PutRow(x,y,length) MacroProc Copies length pixels from line buffer to a row in the image
PutSerial Accepts Multiple Arugments Blank Fill
PutSerial(str) StringFunc Writes 'str' to the modem port. Like the Write routine, it accepts multiple arguments(e.g. PutSerial('v=',v:1:2)).
random MathFunc Generates a random number between 0 and 1
rAngle array[1..<Max Measurements>]
rArea array[1..<Max Measurements>]
rCount MacroFunc Returns current measurement counter value
Redirect(b) AnalyzeMenu Enable/disable redirected sampling. b=true or false.
RedLUT array[0..255]
ReduceNoise EnhanceMenu
RequiresVersion(n) MacroProc Aborts macro if Image version number is less than specified
ResetCounter AnalyzeMenu Sets the measurement counter to zero
ResetGrayMap MacroProc Equivalent to clicking on reset icon in Map window
Reslice StacksMenu
RestoreRoi AnalyzeMenu Same as the Restore SelectionMenu command
RestoreState MacroProc Restore settings saved by SaveState
RevertToSaved FileMenu
RGBToIndexed('string') StacksMenu Where string contains some combination of 'System LUT', 'Existing LUT, 'Custom LUT' and 'Dither'. Custom LUT and Dither are the defaults.
rLength array[1..<Max Measurements>]
rMajor array[1..<Max Measurements>]
rMax array[1..<Max Measurements>]
rMean array[1..<Max Measurements>]
rMin array[1..<Max Measurements>]
rMinor array[1..<Max Measurements>]
RotateLeft(b) EditMenu Create new window if b true
RotateRight(b) EditMenu Create new window if b true
Round(n) MacroFunc Converts a real value to integer with rounding
rStdDev array[1..<Max Measurements>]
rUser1 array[1..<Max Measurements>]
rUser2 array[1..<Max Measurements>]
rX array[1..<Max Measurements>]
rY array[1..<Max Measurements>]
Save FileMenu Use SetPicName('Name') to specify file name
SaveAll FileMenu
SaveAs Accepts Multiple Arugments zero Fill
SaveAs('name') FileMenu Saves currently active image using the specified name
SaveState MacroProc Saves foreground and background color, new window width and height, status of Invert Y flag, and various ScaleAndRotate and SetScaling parameters
ScaleAndRotate(xscale,yscale,angle) EditMenu
ScaleMath(b) OptionsMenu b=true or false. Sets or resets Scale Image Arithmetic flag.
SelectSlice(n) MacroProc Display Nth slice in a stack
SelectWindow(‘name’) MacroProc Activate the window with the title ‘name’
SetBackgroundColor(c) MacroProc 0 <= c <= 255
SetBinaryCount(n) EnhanceMenu 1 <=n <= 8
SetChannel(channel) SpecialMenu Sets the video input channel, where channel=1, 2, 3, or 4
SetCounter(n) MacroProc Sets the measurement counter to n
SetCursor('str') MacroProc Changes cursor shape. Set 'str' to 'watch', 'cross' or 'arrow'.
SetCustom(width,height,offset,slices) FileMenu Specifies the width, height, offset, and number of slices for imported files. The slices argument is optional.
SetDensitySlice(lower,upper) OptionsMenu 1 <= lower,upper <= 254. SetDensitySlice(0,0) disables density slicing, SetDensitySlice(255,255) enables it.
SetExport('mode') FileMenu Where mode is one of: 'Raw', 'MCID', 'Text', 'LUT', 'Measurements', 'Plot Values', Histogram Values' or 'XY Coordinates'
SetFont('Font name') OptionsMenu Font Name=Geneva, Monoco, Helvetica, Times, etc.
SetFontSize(size) OptionsMenu Set font size in points, where 6<=size<=720
SetForegroundColor(c) MacroProc 0 <= c <= 255, were 0=white and 255=black
SetImport('string') FileMenu Where string contains some combination of: 'TIFF', 'MCID', 'Palette', 'Text', 'Custom', '8-bits', '16-bits Unsigned', '16-bits Signed', 'Swap Bytes', 'Auto-Scale', Fixed Scale', 'Calibrate' and 'Open All'
SetImportMinMax(min,max) FileMenu Disables auto-scaling and fixes the range of Imported files
SetLineWidth(width) MacroProc
SetNewSize(width,height) OptionsMenu Specifies width and height of new windows
SetOption MacroProc Equivalent to holding down Option key
SetOptions('string') AnalyzeMenu Where ‘string’ contains some combination of 'Area', 'Mean', 'Std. Dev.', 'X-Y Center', 'Mode', 'Perimeter'(or 'Length'), 'Major', 'Minor', 'Angle', 'Int. Den.', 'Min/Max', 'User1', or 'User2'. Any variable not listed is disabled.
SetPalette(string) OptionsMenu Where string is one of: 'Grayscale', 'PseudoColor', 'System Palette', 'Rainbow' or 'Spectrum'
SetParticleSize(min,max) AnalyzeMenu
SetPicName Accepts Multiple Arugments zero Fill
SetPicName('Name') MacroProc Renames the currently active image window
SetPlotLabels(b) OptionsMenu b=true or false
SetPlotScale(min,max) OptionsMenu Set min and max to zero for auto-scaling
SetPlotSize(width,height) OptionsMenu Set width and height to zero for auto-sizing of plots
SetPrecision(digits[,fwidth]) AnalyzeMenu Were digits is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point and fwidth(optional) is the field width
SetScale(scale,'units') AnalyzeMenu Scale is the number of pixels per unit of measurement. 'Units' is one of the following: 'nm', 'µm'(or 'um'), 'mm', 'cm', 'me', 'km', in', 'ft', 'mi', or 'pixels'. Use SetScale(0,'pixels') to disable spatial calibration and SetScale(0,'') to activate the Set Scale dialog box.
SetScaling('string') EditMenu Where string contains some combination of: 'Nearest', 'Bilinear', 'New Window', 'Same Window' or 'Interactive'
SetSliceSpacing(n) MacroProc Set slice spacing(in pixels) for use by Reslice and Project commands
SetText(string) OptionsMenu Where string contains any combination of: 'Bold', 'Italic', 'Underline', 'Outline', 'Shadow', 'Left Justified', 'Right Justified', 'Centered', 'No Background', or 'With Background'
SetUser1Label('Label') MacroProc Replaces label used for User 1 column in Results window
SetUser2Label('Label') MacroProc Replaces label used for User 2 column in Results window
SetVideo('string') SpecialMenu Where 'string' is some combination of 'Invert, 'Highlight', 'Oscillating', 'Trigger', 'Blind' or 'Separate'. Any option not specified is disabled.
Shadow EnhanceMenu
Sharpen EnhanceMenu Precede with SetOption for greater sharpening
ShowHistogram AnalyzeMenu
ShowMessage Accepts Multiple Arugments Blank Fill
ShowMessage('message') MacroProc Displays 'message' in the Values window. Accepts multiple arguments like the Write routine. Use a back-slash('\') to start a new line.
ShowPasteControl WindowsMenu Activates the Paste Control window
ShowResults AnalyzeMenu
sin(n) MathFunc Returns sine of n(radians)
Skeletonize EnhanceMenu
SliceNumber MacroFunc Returns number of current slice in a stack
Smooth EnhanceMenu Precede with SetOption for unweighted smoothing
sqr(n) MathFunc Returns square of n
sqrt(n) MathFunc Returns sqrt of n
StartCapturing SpecialMenu Start live video
StopCapturing SpecialMenu Stop live video
str:=chr(n) StringFunc Converts a positive integer in the range 0..255 to a one character string(e.g. chr(65) = 'A').
str:=concat(str1, str2,...) StringFunc Concatenates a series of strings
str:=GetSerial StringFunc Returns the next available character in the serial(modem) input buffer as a one character string or returns an empty string if the buffer is empty.
str:=GetString('Prompt','def.') StringFunc Displays a dialog box and returns with the string entered. The first argument is the prompting message and the second argument(optional) is the default input string.
Subtract PasteControl Paste; Subtract; or Paste; SetOption; Subtract;
SubtractBackground('str',radius) EnhanceMenu Where 'str' is one of: '1D Horizontal', '1D Vertical', '2D Rolling Ball' or '2D Remove Streaks'. Add 'faster' to 'str'(e.g. '2D Rolling Ball(faster)') for faster operation.
SurfacePlot AnalyzeMenu Creates a surface plot of the current image. Use SetNewSize to specify the size of the plot.
THEN Key Word
TickCount MacroFunc Returns the number of ticks(sixtieths of a second) since system last started
TileWindows WindowsMenu
TO Key Word
TraceEdges EnhanceMenu Precede with SetOption to prevent auto-thresholding
Trunc(n) MacroFunc Converts a real value to integer with truncation
Undo EditMenu
UndoBufferSize MacroFunc Returns the current size of the Undo and Clipboard buffers
UNTIL Key Word
UpdateResults MacroProc Redisplays last measurement in Values and Results windows
UserCode(n,p1,p2,p3) MacroProc Calls a user written Pascal routine, where n specifies which routine is called and p1, p2 and p3 are real input parameters
VAR Key Word
Wait(seconds) MacroProc Fractions of a second are allowed, e.g., wait(1.5)
WaitForTrigger MacroProc Waits for external trigger if using QuickCapture or Scion LG-3 frame grabber, otherwise waits for mouse button
WandAutoMeasure(b) AnalyzeMenu
WHILE Key Word
Write(e1,e2,...) MacroProc Draws text, variables, or constants at the current location. Like Writeln procedure in Pascal, expressions may have optional field width specifications in the form e:f1:f2(e.g., write('M=',mean:8:3), where f1 is the field width, and f2 specifies the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
Writeln(e1,e2,...) MacroProc Similar to Write, but does the equivalent of a line feed and carriage return after displaying the specified values.